The Brows Academy Microblading training, California Tue, 04 Feb 2020 04:12:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Popular Eyebrow Styles Then and Now Thu, 30 Jan 2020 16:55:07 +0000 The post Popular Eyebrow Styles Then and Now appeared first on The Brows Academy.


Popular Eyebrow Styles Then and Now

Eyebrow styling is nothing new. It’s always been about the brows! We thought it’d be fun to take a quick trip through time to see the trends and how women’s eyebrows have always been the focal point of beauty and the defining feature of generations.

The Middle Ages
Domed foreheads (yes, you read that right) were a desirable trait at this time. And nothing brings out your dome like very thin, barely visible brows. Additionally, Queen Elizabeth’s naturally red brows inspired the people to imitate her look by coloring their own slim arches.

The Roaring Twenties
Commercially made products finally hit the scene and Actress, Clara Bow was model of modern beauty. Her brows were heavily plucked, pencil-thin, straight and extended beyond the outer corner of the eyes.

The Arched Thirties
Thin, dark brows were still trending but not so straight anymore thanks to actresses like Jean Harlow and Greta Garbo who used very pronounced arches in their brow design to add to their dramatic expressions.

The Softer Forties
Still a bit arched but less dramatic. A bit thicker yet softer. Lauren Bacall (yes, another actress) has a signature expression called “the look” which helped shape this high-brow fashion of the day.

The Bold Fifties
This era called for full face makeup topped with strong, heavily arched brow. Look to Liz Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, and Audry Hepburn for examples here.

The Stroked Sixties
Sophia Loren set the standard by shaving her brows off completely and drawing them back on with short, thread-thin strokes, giving her a natural-looking yet perfectly manicured look.

The Natural Seventies
Brows in the 70s tended to be more natural. Less plucking and keeping with the natural shape. Ali MacGraw and Lauren Hutton were the mark of excellence in this era.

The Bushy Eighties
Brooke Shields and Madonna led the trend. Thicker and bolder. The bushier, the better.

The Understated Nineties
All shapes and sizes abound but the plucking was still plentiful. Think Drew Barrymore and Pamela Anderson. Even model Kristen McMenamy’s career only found success after shaving her eyebrows off.

The Power Brow of Now
The thicker the better, some might say. Thick, dark and perfectly manicured brows of all shapes define what we know today as the power brow. What other trends do you see defining this generation?

It’s fun to look back on the trends and see how things change over time. We’ve gone from royalty to actresses to Instagram models. What’s next?

Start your Microblading career today
Become a working microblading artist we are you best option to learn all the insider secrets you need to master this lucrative and rewarding craft

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The post Popular Eyebrow Styles Then and Now appeared first on The Brows Academy.

Success Planning for Your Beauty Business Thu, 09 Jan 2020 17:19:05 +0000 The post Success Planning for Your Beauty Business appeared first on The Brows Academy.


Success Planning for Your Beauty Business

Success planning for your beauty business may seem like a daunting task due to the overwhelming amount of information available out there about how you can grow your business. You may have found that most of the other resources available to you on the internet seem to be either too general to be helpful or too advanced for you to take action on right now. In this article, we want to show you how you can start planning for the success of your beauty business now in a way that is custom to you and your specific set of circumstances, whether you are an advanced practitioner or just about to start your journey in the beauty industry.

Thinking Big and Beautiful About Your Business

Let’s start with the end in mind. Take a moment now to think about the overall vision you have for your business. Where is this all going? Imagine yourself, years from now, having achieved the life you set out to have when you started. Start with the lifestyle. Where do you live? What kind of house are you living in? How many people are you supporting? Do you work all the time or can you take time off to travel and live life? It only takes a little bit of online research to get an idea of what your income level will need to be in order to support the life you want to have. Dream big, you deserve it because living life on your own terms is going to take a lot more work than simply punching a clock for someone else. You must be motivated by the end result and have a passion for what you’re doing.

Now let’s think about your business. Do you own or rent the building? Do you have other artists working for you? If so, you may be thinking now that I’m going to ask you to consider the price tag of these things… and I am, but let’s move on to a more important question first, the question of “why.” Why do you envision your beauty business the way you do? Do you have a passion for helping other permanent makeup artists? Do you want to be the best in your area or the best in the entire beauty industry? Do you bring a new vision? Do you want to expand into other things?

There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. There are only YOUR answers and that is exactly why the plan to create your success needs to be unique to you. To succeed, you will need a plan. So, it’s important that you spend some time on this before spending time, money and effort heading in the wrong direction. The good news is, you’ve already started because the first step in creating a map to where you’re going is to first determine where you want to end up.

Being Beautifully Unique

To have massive success with your business, clients must be choosing you over your competition. Why would they be doing that? If your only answer is that you will be cheaper, it’s time to rethink that tactic. Always being the cheapest option, means you’ll be entering a race to the bottom with your competitors where no one wins. You’ll run the risk of not having enough cash-flow in your business to do a good job. Instead, justify your prices by being the best at what you do. The trick is not doing the same thing as your competitor or at least not doing them in the same way. Since this is an area where beauty experts have been known to struggle, let’s go over a practical example of what being unique in your beauty business could look like.

In this example, let’s pretend you have a passion for helping mothers. Your mission in life is to help mothers look and feel even more beautiful than they did before they were mothers. You want to empower them, help them project a sense of power and togetherness. You will get this message across in all of your marketing efforts and are constantly looking for mothers in your area to help but you can also design your services to match that mission.

Imagine a child-care service in your spa. Maybe it’s in another room or maybe you make a deal with a nearby child-care business. Maybe you have some video games for older children, free wifi and plenty of charging stations.

But when it comes to moms, there’s more to be considered than just entertaining their children. For example, moms may have fuller schedules and may be shorter on time or have different times available. What can you do to accomodate the “mother” schedule? Are you able to help them accomplish anything else on their long to-do list? Can you partner with a laundry or grocery service? Can you get a dinner prepared for her and her family? Try to think outside of the box, put your ideal customer first and really be unique with the level of service you offer to mothers, first and foremost.

Since your business is about helping mothers look and feel great, maybe a better fit would be to partner with an auto detailing service, dry cleaner or massage therapist. The possibilities are seemingly endless when you start thinking more about your mission and go beyond just running a beauty business.

Your Beauty Business Breakdown

Now that you have your overall vision and understand what would make you unique in the marketplace, it’s time to break that vision down into a few attainable goals. What things do you need to have in place for that vision to be a reality. Do you have the tools and the workspace that is needed? Do you have the help that is required? Write down the separate components of this vision so that you know exactly what to shoot for.
Next, look at each of those components and figure out what is needed to acquire them. What are the steps between where you are now and attaining those things? In some cases, it may just be money. In other cases, there may be licensing, insurance, education or a number of other puzzle pieces that you’ll need in order to complete the picture. Every step may also include a few sub-steps. It’s important to break this up into smaller actionable steps. Again, start with the end in mind and work backwards to where you are now. These steps and goals will become your roadmap to success. There may be some rerouting and adjustments along the way but you’ll have the complete blueprint to refer to while building the life and business you want.

Take Action

It’s no good having a plan if you don’t execute on it. The things you spend your time on each and every day should be getting you closer to your goals. Decide what daily actions will move you closer. You are the captain of this ship. Your movements must be intentional or you will drift into a life that you never intended or wanted.

The Brows Academy offers courses to help you get where you want to be. Join other people just like you who had a vision and made it into their reality and are now a part of the 6-Figure Microblading Club. We’ll help you put together the pieces from education to tools and even marketing your business. Click the button below to learn more about our programs.

Start your Microblading career today
Become a working microblading artist we are you best option to learn all the insider secrets you need to master this lucrative and rewarding craft

Policies are subject to change over the course of time

The post Success Planning for Your Beauty Business appeared first on The Brows Academy.

Everything you need to know to properly take care of your microblading tools Tue, 17 Dec 2019 17:11:44 +0000 The post Everything you need to know to properly take care of your microblading tools appeared first on The Brows Academy.


Everything you need to know to properly take care of your microblading tools

As a microblading artist, taking good care of your tools is one of the essential tasks you need to do in your business. Not paying attention to your artist’s tools might end up with your instruments infected, which certainly is something you want to avoid.

We must be ultra-careful to ensure that your microblading pen is clean and ready for the next customer. To properly clean and disinfect your pen tool, please make sure that you follow the following steps.

How to properly clean your microblading pen

  1. Prepare a cleaning solution of 50% hot water and 50% BIOSCRUB. Use a BIOSCRUP soap, clean brush, and water to wash all the parts thoroughly.
  2. Leave the pen into the cleaning solution for at least 1 hour and make sure to rinse and dry them afterward.
  3. Lay the pen fully immersed in hospital-grade CIDEX or Perasafe. Use gloves and air dry. Once you’ve finished this process, you can sterilize them with UV sterilization.
  4. Finally, store them in a sealed container ready for the next time you need it.

Three steps to sharpen properly your eyebrow pencil

  1. Carefully peel the pen and start sharpening on two sides equally.
  2. Sharpen the tip by using very gentle shaving movements. Avoid applying high pressure on the tip of the pencil, or it will break.
  3. At last, use your wrist to check if that is the thickness that you want.

Protocol for washing your hands

The fact that you use gloves during the microblading procedure doesn’t mean you don’t need to wash your hands.

Hands should be washed using liquid antibacterial soap. Forget about bar soaps since they harbor many different microorganisms and bacteria.

To wash your hands appropriately, you should include the following actions:

  1. Wash palm to palm and over the dorsum.
  2. Wash palm to palm with fingers interlaced.
  3. Wash forearms and rinse your hands with fingers pointed downwards.

Remember, bad cleaning habits could lead to infections such as hepatitis or in the worst-case scenario, HIV. So, you need to do everything in your power to prevent any damage to your business brand and reputation.

If you would like to learn more about sterilizing your tools, recommended room setup, and how to pass inspection. Secure your spot at our next Microblading Mastery Class by clicking the button below.


Start your Microblading career today
Become a working microblading artist we are you best option to learn all the insider secrets you need to master this lucrative and rewarding craft

Policies are subject to change over the course of time

The post Everything you need to know to properly take care of your microblading tools appeared first on The Brows Academy.

3 Tips To Protect Microbladed Eyebrows From Sun Exposure Wed, 27 Nov 2019 19:50:09 +0000 The post 3 Tips To Protect Microbladed Eyebrows From Sun Exposure appeared first on The Brows Academy.


3 Tips To Protect Microbladed Eyebrows From Sun Exposure

If you are doing microblading work on customers, is essential to know how to protect newly enhanced brows from the sun’s harsh rays. While microbladed eyebrows are healing, customers should try to avoid contact with direct sunlight and artificial tanning bulbs at all costs, but that’s not always possible.

Taking time to educate your customers on the proper care of their new brows, must be always an important part of your services. So, let me share with you the three best ways to protect your work from sun exposure.

1. Applying an approved SPF lotion to the eyebrow area

During the first week following the procedure, your customers should be extra careful. They must avoid exposing new brows to sweat, sunlight, and tanning beds as much as possible.

After the first week, they should apply an approved sunscreen over the whole face including the brows. Swimming is also risky during this time, as it could develop an infection or lead to eyebrows fading.

Even though exposure to UV light is the most common reason for pigment fading, salt and chlorine could also cause eyebrows to fade or change color.

Always remember to explain how eyebrows require just as much protection as the rest of the skin. Sunscreen should be their best friend!

2. Add products with shooting properties to their daily care routine

Exposing skin directly to sunlight for hours can lead to skin trauma, so although moisturizing is encouraged, adding other products for after-sun care with shooting properties, is highly recommended.

Products based on aloe vera, hamamelis, or hazel extracts are especially convenient for taking care of microbladed eyebrows due to their anti-inflammatory and shooting properties.

These ingredients are suitable for all skin types and had been the go-to skincare advice for centuries. So besides applying SPF lotion, it’s always a good idea to have these types of products at hand.

3. Consider wearing a hat or sunglasses

On top of applying sunscreen to their brow area, your customers should also consider wearing a hat and/or sunglasses to increase protection even more.

This will add extra protection to sensitive skin from the sun’s UV rays. Again, the sun’s rays can damage skin, especially after microblading, even on a rainy day or in the winter months.

The importance of advising your customers about protection against sunlight should be as significant as providing a high-quality service. Although skin does heal quickly after microblading, proper care will reduce the risk of fading the color and keep skin safe from possible damage.

Master the art of permanent makeup and let us guide you throughout the process of becoming a microblading artist.

Start your Microblading career today

Become a working microblading artist we are you best option to learn all the insider secrets you need to master this lucrative and rewarding craft

Policies are subject to change over the course of time

The post 3 Tips To Protect Microbladed Eyebrows From Sun Exposure appeared first on The Brows Academy.

Top 3 reasons why you should start a career in the beauty industry Tue, 27 Aug 2019 19:20:51 +0000 The post Top 3 reasons why you should start a career in the beauty industry appeared first on The Brows Academy.


Top 3 reasons why you should start a career in the beauty industry

You could be surprised by how profitable and rewarding a career in the beauty industry could be. If you are a beauty enthusiast with a real passion for creative expression, this could be a great opportunity for you to work doing what you already love.

In this article, I want to share with our readers the top 3 reasons why you should consider starting a career in the beauty industry, specifically in semi-permanent makeup procedures. Let’s begin!

#1 – Instant gratification for you and your customers

Nothing beats the joy and happiness experienced by your customers when they see the results of a well-done beauty procedure like microblading o BBGlow. Their self-esteem and confidence grow in real-time before your eyes.

That feeling is truly amazing and gives the energy and motivation to do your best every time. Also, they can’t stop talking about you to their friends, so you get a nice and steady referral flow.

So, if you like to see the impact your work is doing in other people’s lives, this could be the right path for you.

# 2 – Financial stability and independence

You’re in control baby! Nobody will put a limit on your income anymore because you are writing your own check now. Literally.

A career as a beauty esthetician can put you in the six-figure level relatively quickly. Many of our students are already making that kind of money and others are earning more than they ever thought possible.

The best part? It’s getting better every day. Thanks to social media people are more aware of how important it is to project the right image and are more willing to invest in beauty procedures.

That’s why there is a rising demand for services like microblading, lash lift, microneedling, etc. People simply want to look their best for their professional and personal circles and you will be there to help them time and time again.

If you get really good at making them look amazing, I’m pretty sure money will stop being an issue for you.

#3 – Escape the 9 to 5 and enjoy a lifestyle of freedom

As an independent beauty esthetician, you can control your schedule and decide exactly when you take appointments. No more missing out on life.

Unlike a traditional 9 to 5, you can design your business around the important people and events in your life. It’s up to you.

Of course, you want to make sure you’re putting real effort into building and growing your customer base, and for that, you’ll need to dedicate a serious amount of time each week. But ultimately, you’re in control. You decide how much or how little you want to work and still keep a comfortable income level.

I hope this article inspires you to consider the beauty industry as a viable career choice. It could be an exciting way to achieve your goals, while helping your customers to feel and look their best.

We’d love to help you start now. Take a look at our training classes and get in contact today. You can do this!

Start your Microblading career today

Become a working microblading artist we are you best option to learn all the insider secrets you need to master this lucrative and rewarding craft

Policies are subject to change over the course of time

The post Top 3 reasons why you should start a career in the beauty industry appeared first on The Brows Academy.

The truth about microblading and pain Thu, 15 Aug 2019 17:34:45 +0000 The post The truth about microblading and pain appeared first on The Brows Academy.


The truth about microblading and pain

Many beauty enthusiasts are still on the fence about getting their brows done because they heard it’s painful and the healing process is tortuous.

Is this true?

Well, the short answer is NO! If you get your microblading procedure with a real expert, the level of discomfort is minimal during the actual session. You’ll get topical numbing creams applied to your skin that lasts around 1 hour to 1 ½ hour, so if your microblading specialist takes a bit longer than that, it could be an issue.

Also, normally topical numbing doesn’t penetrate very deep into the skin, so make sure whoever you choose has a light hand because that will keep the strokes at the surface.

During the healing process, the eyebrow area will be slightly red after the procedure and color will appear very dark. This is normal and part of the healing process (the color will fade by up to 40% as it heals).

You will notice slight scabbing on your skin, but please do not pick at the scabs as this may damage the outcome of the microbladed area.

It takes approximately 7-14 days for the brows to heal over, and about 1 month for the color to fully set in, and normally you should not experience pain or any intolerable level of discomfort.

If that’s the case please contact your specialist as soon as possible.

Start your Microblading career today

Become a working microblading artist we are you best option to learn all the insider secrets you need to master this lucrative and rewarding craft

Policies are subject to change over the course of time

The post The truth about microblading and pain appeared first on The Brows Academy.

Introducing our official 6 Figure Microblader Club Tue, 30 Jul 2019 16:24:39 +0000 The post Introducing our official 6 Figure Microblader Club appeared first on The Brows Academy.


Introducing our official 6 Figure Microblader Club

Today we’re very excited to introduce our new 6 Figure Microblader Club. Yes! We are proud to showcase to the world the results of our hard-working students who have achieved an income of 6-figure per year helping their customers look their best.

Click here to learn more

But you know the best part? You can also be part of this special club! The only requirement is to be really good at what you do, working hard to make your customers happy so they come back for more, and promote your services effectively.

Of course, it’s easier said than done, but it’s possible if you have the right training, mentoting, and tools. That’s why I want to invite you to take action and enroll into Our Microblading & Ombre Shading Mastery Class.

It’s one of our most popular courses because it teaches you everything from A to Z to become a succesful microblading artits, like our 6 figure earners.

You can do it!

Start your Microblading career today

Become a working microblading artist we are you best option to learn all the insider secrets you need to master this lucrative and rewarding craft

Policies are subject to change over the course of time

The post Introducing our official 6 Figure Microblader Club appeared first on The Brows Academy.

4 Ways To Get Raving Referrals for your Beauty Business Mon, 08 Jul 2019 14:59:26 +0000 The post 4 Ways To Get Raving Referrals for your Beauty Business appeared first on The Brows Academy.


4 Ways To Get Raving Referrals for your Beauty Business

Word gets around fast! As social creatures, whether we have had exceptional or frustratingly poor service, we tend to want to share our experiences with our friends and family.

This is the very principle of business references, which most business owners know very well. Provide your customers with high-quality service and make it easy for them to share your experience, and they probably will.
The final result? More customers, more business and more overall satisfaction!

However, like anything else, there is an art in getting good references.

In this blog post, I will recommend 5 successful strategies to get customers for your beauty business. So here we go:

1. Be Social on Social Media.

Just because you’re behind a computer or your phone, doesn’t mean you can’t be social. Social media is a free way to promote and rapidly boost your beauty biz. These are my favorite three social networks for my beauty biz.

Facebook Business Page-
Even if you don’t spend a ton of time marketing on Facebook, having an accurate listing here is important because it will help boost your SEO (search engine optimization). It’s also a great way to promote any event you organize or promote any special offer you’re organizing. The best part is that it is free and very easy to set up. On this page, you can share content, post before and after pictures, customer reviews, and much more which will give your beauty biz.

I know, I know! As a beauty business, Yelp can be your biggest nightmare… BUT, it can also be your greatest ally. Make sure you have a Yelp account and that your current customers know you have a Yelp account, so they can scream from Yelp rooftops about how much they love you!

In addition to bringing you more customers who wouldn’t have found you otherwise, it will also help you with your SEO (similar to Facebook). Having an incentive in exchange for a review is a great idea to increase the number of reviews.

In the not-so-distant past, if you wanted your name to come out, you had to hire an advertiser or an advertising agency. Today, the control is in your own hands with the power of social media, especially Instagram!

Among all social networks, Instagram has the highest engagement rates for our industry. Use your Facebook friends to suggest your Instagram page to your Facebook friends, it’s the easiest way to gain followers and create an audience that already likes your messages!

Connect your Facebook to your IG and then publish the same content separately. Instead of always linking the Instagram message, you can tailor it to your audience by linking the articles to your messages.

Post consistently in times of high engagement: For Instagram, you want to publish at least once a day, as a minimum. Also, make sure that your Instagram is a “Business Account” so that you can track the stats through your Instagram control panel. My favorite is to engage with my community with Instagram Live.

This gives me the opportunity to ask questions that future customers have, demonstrate procedures, promote upcoming courses or specials, and much much more. When creating a post or using story or live features, always remember to have a call to action in your posting.

2. Turn your “customers” into “promoters”.

As we mentioned before, word of mouth is very important! So it wouldn’t hurt to ask your customers if they have friends who might be interested in coming in for microblading, Ombre Shading, Permanent Makeup or any other service you offer! But don’t just ask, give them an incentive to refer you! A good idea is to hand out small reference cards to our customers. Every friend or person she refers to her business gives her a discount on future treatments!

I also recommend using online tools to help make the referral process easy. Tools like Referral Rock and Synup make it easy to build referral campaigns and have analytics to help you optimize your referral strategy.

3. Participate in local events.

Another idea to get new customers is by setting up a table at events in your community. Holiday events, small business events, or even farmers markets can be a great way to build rapport with your community.

Even if people don’t become customers immediately, they notice you and begin to recognize your name. Big marketing companies claim that people usually have to hear about a brand 8 times before they buy something! This means that the more they have contact with you, the more likely it is that they will become your customers.

BUT, setting a table is not enough. Make sure you’re offering something tempting to sign up for your email list and give a compelling offer to generate sales from your table. People love great deals and will say yes if it’s a good enough deal. This transforms “peekers” into “buyers”. Doing a raffle or giveaway in your vendor area is always a good idea so you can build your email or text message list.

While participating in local events, don’t forget to network with other vendors. Your neighboring vendors and sponsors can be a great source of referrals. Ask them their favorite and best well-attended events so that you can participate in those events too and starting creating a yearly list of community events you can participate in.

4. Form Strategic Partnerships

Determine who already has large numbers of your ideal existing customer target and sell that customer base non-competing, complementary products or services.
Make a list of at least 10 complementary product/service providers and then approach them and form strategic relationships to offer your products/services to their customer base as part of their sales process.
There is no faster way to get exposure to and convert huge groups of other people’s existing customers into your customers than to form sustainable long-term integrations with strategic partners who already have a large existing base of your ideal customer and also have predictable selling and customer acquisition systems in place that ensure a steady flow of new customers to your beauty business.

Finally, if you liked these tips, don’t forget that here at The Brows Academy we have courses for a variety of high-level procedures to add your beauty business, so you can serve your customers while increasing your income.

Start your Microblading career today

Become a working microblading artist we are you best option to learn all the insider secrets you need to master this lucrative and rewarding craft

Policies are subject to change over the course of time

The post 4 Ways To Get Raving Referrals for your Beauty Business appeared first on The Brows Academy.

New video for our BB Glow Mastery Class! Sat, 01 Jun 2019 02:40:03 +0000 The post New video for our BB Glow Mastery Class! appeared first on The Brows Academy.


New video for our BB Glow Mastery Class!

We shot a new video for our upcoming BB Glow Mastery Class. This beauty procedure is taking the market by storm because of the instant results your customers can experience!

Watch the video to get all the details:

Start your Microblading career today

Become a working microblading artist we are you best option to learn all the insider secrets you need to master this lucrative and rewarding craft

Policies are subject to change over the course of time

The post New video for our BB Glow Mastery Class! appeared first on The Brows Academy.

The Three Hottest Services to Add to Your Beauty Business Right Now Tue, 14 May 2019 21:36:21 +0000 The post The Three Hottest Services to Add to Your Beauty Business Right Now appeared first on The Brows Academy.


The Three Hottest Services to Add to Your Beauty Business Right Now

Staying competitive in the beauty business means not only knowing what the hottest beauty trends are, but which ones to offer as well. If ’you’re a hairdresser, you might have added keratin blowouts to your service menu, as an eyebrow artist, you could have learned how to thread and added it to your skillset. These are both excellent services to offer, but as technology, treatments and tastes advance; there is always something new to learn. And you know you want to be on top of all that new-new. Well, we’ve got the low-down on which services are most in-demand and why they’re the ones that you NEED to add to your service menu. Here are the three hottest services to add to your beauty business right now!


Eyebrow embroidery isn’t new, it’s been popular for a while, but now that all of the non-believers and the skeptics have gotten wise to the wonders of microblading, the masses are here for it. This semi-permanent procedure gives you full-time-brows-on-fleek in a short amount of time. This service’s popularity has continually reached new heights, and it doesn’t seem to be going down.

Microblading is not like old-school brow tattooing and the days of badly-faded green or red brow tattoos are over. With the modern inks and application processes of microblading, it has evolved into a sustainable brow tattooing method that can serve looks that lasting for up to three years! Microblading is a process where ink is implanted under the skin with a handheld bladelike tool instead of an electric-powered needle. The ink gets applied in hairlike strokes for the most natural-looking brow tattooing method ever.

Microblading has gotten so advanced that artists can even perfect an obmre brow. An ombre is where the brow is softer toward the front and gains intensity as it goes back toward the tail. The brow receives a gradient, powder-like fill effect that looks like Kim Kardashian’s eyebrows after a beauty session with Anastasia herself. Knowing how to microblade and how to do a powder fill is like mastering two brow services in one.

As more and more people are getting on board for microblading, the demand is going through the roof and so is the competition. But have no fear, bad microblading is another result of the treatment’s gaining popularity. Clients are still going to ensure that they get the best for their money. Did we mention that you can charge an average of $400 per treatment? So, if you’re going to add microblading to your service roster, train with the best in brows and go to a reputable microblading academy or don’t even bother. If you want to step out of the crowd, you’ve got to set yourself for success and that means starting off on the right foot.

Even though microblading has been around for a minute or two, it stands firm on the top of our list of the three hottest services to offer your clients, and we mean it.


Microneedling is just what it sounds like it is—micro-needles poking the skin over the face. It may sound prickly but there is minimal discomfort, and it is an in-service to have. The microneedles move over the face to depositing collagen skincare deep into the skin, deeper than a lot of other treatments without as much downtime if any. The needles cause microscopic punctures on the skin stimulating it to treat its wounds. While the skin is repairing itself, it also works on other issues. It’s a version of an intense resurfacing treatment that ups skin’s building blocks, AKA the production of collagen and elastin helping to diminish the look of scarring, shrink pore size and deliver beneficial ingredients to go deeper into the skin. Let’s just say, its fabulous.

There’s virtually no downtime for such a high-impact treatment and it offers noticeable results like tighter skin and the reduction of fine lines, wrinkles and reduced pigmentation. Here’s how the procedure is done. A light numbing agent gets applied over the surface of the skin. Your face is then layered with collagen-enhancing gels before the microneedling process begins. After, the post-treatment includes masks and products that can be tailored to the client’s skin type and concern while assisting with skin’s healing process.

The popularity of microneedling is commonplace even though it can cost someone $400 and up for the service. Having microneedling added to your business is a low-cost and long-term investment and will be on trend for a long time to come.

Lash Lift

Hold up! You might not believe that you could find another service as awesome as the previous two, but a keratin lash lift might be the reigning queen. A lash lift is like a perm for the lashes and something that can be done in the same amount of time as a lash tint but with even more eye-popping results. In 30 minutes, your lashes will be flawlessly curled for eight to twelve weeks. This quickie service is a low-cost investment for a beauty technician to offer and makes its money back very quickly. A lash lift service itself can start at $50 and go to over $100 per client.

Lash lifting is so hot because a lot of people prefer it to uncomfortable lash extensions as they are easier to maintain and can have all the mascara they want 24-hours after the service. Yes, there are ways to make your lash lift last longer, but, for the most part, its on-point as a low maintenance fan-favorite. Other cool things about lash lifting are that lash hairs can be “frozen in place” so that you can adjust wild hairs, elongate tightly-curled lashes and give an upward curve to down-turned lashes that will last for months.

There are a lot of fantastic services to add to your beauty business, and if you already offer the above three, then you’re ahead of the game. When you’re looking to bring some new flavor to your business and haven’t decided on where to begin; look into microblading, microneedling or lash lifting because as you can see, they can give you the most satisfaction for your clients and for your business.

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The post The Three Hottest Services to Add to Your Beauty Business Right Now appeared first on The Brows Academy.
