Will Microblading Be Right for Me?

by | Apr 5, 2019 | Beauty

Microblading is known to be very safe. If you’re afraid of needles, don’t worry! Artists will apply topical numbing product for minimal sensation. For those who suffer from hypopigmentation, transmittable blood diseases, eczema or shingles around the brow area aren’t microblading candidates. Anyone who is going through chemotherapy or allergic to the numbing creams or alcohol should avoid micropigmentation. Microblading is also for anyone who is over 18. If you already have intensely-colored brow tattooing, microblading ink might just absorb into the color and won’t be detectable. You’ll have to wait until your brows fade so that micropigment can actually be seen.

How Much Does Microblading Cost?

Depending on where you live and the popularity of the artist, a highly-trained microblading-pro can charge anywhere from $400 to over one-thousand dollars for a complete microblading session. Most artists have you pay everything up front, which includes your consultation, the first session and your second session about four to six weeks later.

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Become a working microblading artist we are you best option to learn all the insider secrets you need to master this lucrative and rewarding craft

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